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    • Alca plast intends to increase its supplier reliability despite the increase in production volume
      High due date performance is a key condition of long-term strengthening of market position for Alca plast, the biggest producer of sanitary equipment in Central and Eastern Europe. In the course of 2016, the company’s management therefore decided on an investment in an advanced planning project that will create the preconditions for Alca plast to ...
    • ARMATURY グループ、プランニング プロセスの変革と顧客サービスの改善に投資
      ARMATURYグループは、企業の競争力向上を目的として、高度生産プランニング システム(APS)を導入します。LOGISは、当プロジェクトのパートナーかつ導入ベンダーであり、エキスパート サービスと高度プランニング技術を提供します。
    • TVDにおけるプランニングプロセスとKPIの改善
      TVD社は、チェコ共和国における最大級の薄板キャビネット製造会社であり、またヨーロッパ全土のエネルギー会社、電話会社、電気工学産業における、これらの製品のキー サプライヤーです。同社は、高度生産プランニング システム(APS)の導入に成功し、2015年前半から、競争力強化による利益を享受しています。
    • Titan giant PSC “VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation” improves customer service
      PSC “VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation”, a titanium producer and the leading supplier for aviation companies like AIRBUS and BOEING, decided to accommodate the requirements of its customers for clearer visibility of its order fulfillment process and to further improve operational efficiency. The corporation will reach these goals by implementing a New Generation Planning project with LOGIS.
    • TVD is Going to Manage its Production More Efficiently
      TVD – Technická výroba, a.s. is a growing modern company showing regular increases in production volume. To manage this dynamic development and improve its reliability in meeting the delivery dates, the management decided to invest in a project focused on improvement of the order fulfillment process efficiency. Based on a thorough assessment of the potential ...
    • World’s No. 1 in Vinyl Plates Production GZ Media Invests in the Efficiency of Order Fulfillment Process
      GZ Media ranks among the world’s most significant players in media, printing and packing industry. Faced by the fact that success in today’s highly competitive environment necessitates improvement of operational efficiency and customer service, the management decided to implement a project focused on production planning and management advancement. LOGIS was selected as a partner.
    • L D M invests in the improvement of management efficiency and customer service
      In early October 2013 L D M, a major producer of industrial valves with long history of production in Česká Třebová launched a project aimed to improve production economy and L D M ability to execute orders meeting the customers’ needs and wishes. A partner of the project is LOGIS, specializing in provision of expert ...
    • VSMPO-AVISMA、LOGIS の新世代 プランニングシステムに着手
    • Meopta-optika Focuses Attention on Production Planning
      The prime purpose of the Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling Project launched by Meopta-optika, s.r.o. at the beginning of June 2013 is to improve the company competitiveness. The project will be managed by LOGIS in the capacity of an implementation partner.
    • Manufacturing plant of Swiss Ammann will manage production more efficiently
      The chief building contractor for machines, systems and services with core competencies in the field of asphalt and for worldwide road construction. That is how Swiss Ammann Group Holding AG describes itself; it also includes the Czech production plant Ammann Czech Republic a.s., which specializes in the manufacturing of compaction machines – various types of ...